
How much tobacco can I bring back from Greece

How much tobacco can I bring back from Greece?

Will you be visiting Greece and wondering just how much tobacco you can bring back with you? This could be pretty important if you are a tobacco aficionado or want to save some from your favorite brand. In this article, we outline how much tobacco you're legally allowed to bring back from Greece with you, ensuring you enjoy the trip without some nasty surprises.

1: Tobacco restrictions in Greece

Greece, like many countries, imposes a restriction on the amount of tobacco you are allowed to bring back for personal use. According to Greek law, travelers over 18 years can bring up to 200 cigarettes or 40 cigars or even 250 grams of tobacco. The limitation applies to hand-rolled and machine-made cigarettes and all tobacco products.

2: Duty-free allowance

In case you are visiting from Greece into any other EU country, the duty-free allowance is attached to tobacco products. At the moment, under the EU's duty-free allowance, you are allowed to bring 800 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars, or 1 kilogram of tobacco without having extra charges. You shall be allowed to have a higher quantity of tobacco without you being subjected to further duties or taxes.

3: Over the limits

These limits will avoid additional duties and taxes payable if these are exceeded. In the case of tobacco products, this will be confiscated by the customs official, so know the legal allowance of tobacco product before your travel.

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4: Tips for travelers

Here are some guidelines that allow travelers to bring back tobacco from Greece hassle-free:

1. Know the law: Before embarking on any journey, make sure of how many tobacco products you can buy in Greece and what the allowance is in your home country.

2. Keep the receipts: if you buy tobacco products in Greece, keep your receipts at your side; you may be asked to prove their value.

3. Pack tightly: Your tobacco products must be securely packed in your suitcase to prevent damage.

4. Declare your tobaccos: All tobaccos that you bring with you must be declared at customs; otherwise, you will be fined for not declaring your tobaccos.

Visiting Greece could be quite an exciting experience, and some tobacco products may add a bit of fun to your travels. If you're going to bring them back home, you'd probably want to know how their importation is regulated. The following tips and information on how to do so will keep you safe from any stress when you make your way back home with your favorite tobacco products added to your luggage. Enjoy your trip and happy travels!